Saturday, October 09, 2010
Hello everyone,
DragonSpirit here, our Royal Dragon Visitor-Majestic, is breathless and beautiful, seated, upon rain clouds. Appropriate for our subject!
Does it seem to you that time is, just flying by? I have been asking myself, where on earth, has it gone? No doubt, you are feeling the same. We all get, so caught up, with the business of busyness, we hardly notice it!
So lovely, seeing seasons change, roasting and toasting things! LOL Quite contrary to some beliefs, Dragons actually like cooler weather!
But, let’s heat things up shall we! With, -RAINISM-
No doubt, many of you have never heard the term Rainism, but, if you have not trust, me you will.
Rain-Bi비aka, Jung Ji Hoon (Jeong Ji Hun) 정지훈 (鄭智薰), is a very talented, human mortal, South Korean pop singer. Who actually wears, all these hats...
Rain is known, throughout all of Asia. Occupations: Singer, Songwriter, Actor, Dancer, Model. Fashion Designer, Producer and Business Man. Makes one, tired, just to think about it. :)
Moreover, his star is rising fast, all over the world! (Anyone see the film, “NINJA ASSASSIN? Well, if you did, then you were introduced to a very bad a** Rain. LOL)
Which means of course he is famous, tall, handsome, and becoming very, very rich! Yes, yes, of course you knew it had to be about treasure!

Although things are coming up hot coals for him now, this was not always the case in his life.
Rain's family was very poor. One night, Rain was drinking some water, when he turned on the light; he saw that, there was a cockroach in the cup. Rain's mother died from an illness, which, could have been prevented, if the family had money.
Rain, was heartbroken over the death of his mother, and sorely regretted being in a state of such terrible poverty that brought about his mother’s death.But, Rain chose to turn, that sad tragedy into his primary motivation in life. He turned adversity, into strength!
He strives to do his very best at everything. In fact, Rain is always dreaming for, bigger, & better things. He is, well known, for being a workaholic in any endeavor, he is pursuing.
He does not allow himself to rest on his laurels, or former accomplishments. He does not take anything for granted. His newfound fame, wealth, or, success. According to him, he always thinks two steps ahead, even while involved in a current project.
Rain is extremely gifted, a very humble and grateful soul. He never, forgets where he came from. How, he got there, or the many hardships he went through to get here.
I am only giving the short version of the story here. If you wish to know more about Rain-Bi, it is easy, simply type in - Rain-Bi, hit search and you will be, introduced, first hand to what- RAINISM is about! And his, awesome journey and life!
But, if you really would like a treat, watch some of his music Videos on all I am going to say about that is OMG, Bring on the Rain!
Two, of Rain’s, personal favorites, King Michael Jackson, and Janet! When you see him dance, you know that, immediately! (Yes, that’s right, Dragons can kick it too! LOL we rock to the beat!)
We simply call it the “Spirit of the Dragon!” :)
You may be asking yourself, this question- So what is RAIN to us? Simply put, RAIN is you, or me! A person, with all odds against him, there were even some pathetic, disgusting (Do not get dragon fires flaming!) humans, which, had the nerve, to give, “their opinions,” on his looks! Yep, that is correct! And at one point in time, or another we have all met, one of those experts- (Well, most of mine, were served on toast, with Nutella! wonderful stuff Nutella, and good way to get rid of so called experts!)
These very knowledgeable people, actually told RAIN, that he was too ugly, (was repeatedly rejected because of his looks) and would never have a chance to be successful, and the best he could hope for, was staying in the background!
Interestingly enough about this-
Apparently the whole world, disagreed with the opinion of the “experts” read on...
Rain, was mentioned, in the Time magazine website article that named the "100 Most Influential People Who Shape Our World." He also made it into People's 2007 list of the "Most Beautiful People" in the world!
Seriously do you not love it! Just saying :)
His performance in the drama won him the Best Actor Award at the KBS Acting Awards.
He won the Biggest Badass Award at the 2010 MTV Movie Awards because of his performance in Ninja Assassin.
Rain was involved with MTV EXIT, a campaign against human trafficking in Asia.
In addition, Rain is big on giving back! He produces, and gives life to the dreams of others, who dream as he once did-
J. Tune Entertainment- Is Rain’s Production Company/Record Label
And, one of my favorite bits- Rain is represented by the prestigious-William Morris Endeavor (2009-present) Agency, here in the US. Just in case, the “experts,” wanted to question, whether or not he has arrived!
Some added points- Rain’s giftedness- also known as, hard work, persistence, and determination. Is the “Magick” formula, we are all entitled to! Nothing in this world can stop us, if we, like Rain, refuse to yield, to the lies of the enemies! Keep your heads up!
I am there with you! You know this. Everything stolen from me, but I will not give up! Be, determined to get it back! Persist! We say it together, use your words to bless, not curse. Nanny used to say if you fall down, get back up! Always get back up!
Well, I hope this has given us all, some food for thought! That, no matter how things, might appear to be, do not believe, or accept the lies of the enemy!
Keep your dreams and hopes alive, fight back! Fight like RAIN, whenever, I need a reminder, and being a mortal, fighting the knights of poverty is getting me a bit down.
I put on some RAIN music, or Videos. I say what are the odds and as he would say-
I’m coming, and he is, and he has- Rain is coming down, then, let it pour!
You may notice at the very bottom, waaaay down, (please remember, I am very new at this!) there are some links to Rain’s latest Mini CD, with a very cool song- “Hip Song”
As well as to Napoleon Hill’s Classic= THINK AND GROW RICH! Many of you emailed, as to where, you could find this information! Please click on the links, and there you will find loads of very positive (hidden treasure) uplifting, helpful information to help us all on this journey!
As well, this DragonSpirit, wishes, to thank all of you, who keep being Dragon Cool, showing up for a visit, and leaving your thoughts! You are wicked! :) That is Brit-Speak for the best! Please let me know what you think! I appreciate you!
Until then, remember the words of, Napoleon Hill- “A quitter never Wins, and a WINNER NEVER QUITS!”
And our personal mantra, WE LOVE MONEY, AND MONEY LOVES US! Say it!
Great wealth and great success be yours,

Just in case, any of you, were wondering, just how rich the Billionaires on the Forbes list are, this is not it! This is 207 Million US Dollars! Right, got any idea how Really rich they are now?
We seek to join them- Great Wealth is yours!